Teachings of the Ascended Masters and who are they.

What are the Teachings of the Ascended Masters And How Can They Solve the Problems of Today?

The timing for the unveiling the teachings of the ascended masters’ teachings coincides with the ending of dark cycle of Kali Yuga and the dawning golden age of illumination of Sat Yuga.

Who are the ascended masters?

The ascended masters are our elder brothers and sisters who have balanced their karma and completed their unique mission (dharma) on earth. They have graduated from earth’s schoolroom and become one with God. They teach us about developing a personal relationship with our Higher Self and invite us to work hand-in-hand with them to heal ourselves, our loved ones, and the problems of our cities, the nation and the planet. Some of the ascended masters, whom we also call deities, include Ganesh, Krishna, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Shiva, Chananda, El Morya, Saint Germain, Jesus, Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali and Kuan Yin.
Since 1958, their Messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, have released a vast body of teachings which can be summarized in three parts:

(1) Become Your Divine Reality;

(2) Change Your Life
with the Sacred Science of the Spoken Word; and

(3) Healing Powers of the Violet Agni.

(1) Become Your Divine Reality: The divine realty of man as described in ancient Hindu text as Mahavakyas. There are four Mahavakyas, one from each of the four Vedas:
(I) Prajnanam Brahma – “Prajna is Brahman” or “Brahman is Prajna” (Prajna means higher
(II) Ayam Atma Brahma – “I am this Self (Atman) that is Brahman”
(III) Tat Tvam Asi – “Thou art That”
(IV) Aham Brahmasmi – “I am Brahman” or “I am Divine”

The common theme in all Mahavakyas is the same: Man is the manifestation of God.
Let’s look at our spiritual anatomy through the prism of the ascended masters’ teachings which are in completely in sync with the Vedas .
Our spiritual source is our I AM Presence or I AM Brahman, surrounded by the Causal Body or the Body of Cause. Although difficult to depict in a picture, the spheres of the Causal Body are actually Agni or spiritual ire.
Our soul, shown as shown in the figure in the bottom of this chart, lives in matter, in our physical bodies. Here we learn life’s lessons and mastery of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical worlds.
The ire of God embodies in it the spectrum of seven colorful rays as can be seen here and in the rainbow. As these rays enter the physical world, they become beautiful sparkling lames bursting with cosmic energy to ignite a world. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God’s consciousness that is magnified on each day of
the week.

Between our soul and our I AM Presence we find a middle figure.

In the East we call this level our Vishnu/Krishna consciousness, or Atman. In the West, we call it our Holy Christ Self or Higher Self or Higher Mental Body. The Higher Self acts as a mediator between the I AM Presence and the soul as a guide, teacher or intercessor. Our Higher Self communicates with our I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters
and speaks to us as the voice of direction and conscience—the still small voice in the heart—when we tune
into it and are willing to listen and obey it.

The goal of life is for our soul to unite with our Higher Self and ultimately to achieve Moksha (freedom) by uniting with our I AM Presence or Brahman consciousness. Then at the end of this lifetime, we too may become an ‘ascended master’ and continue to help and uplift our brothers and sisters. This union with the divine is the only true way to overcome our personal and planetary problems.

(2) Change Your Life with the Sacred Science of the Spoken Word: The science of spoken mantras, also called decrees, is a modern adaptation of the ancient method to accelerate spiritual enlightenment, progress, and change. This science combines prayer, meditation, and visualization with love to counteract increasing personal and world problems. The carefully-worded, rhythmic formulas carry spiritual light and are spoken aloud in a dynamic manner. They are use the name of God, I AM THAT I AM (OM TAT SAT OM).

Decrees differ from regular prayers because the words have been dictated by the ascended masters and contain specific, unique ingredients of light. Given with devotion, decrees command instantaneous action by the ascended masters, angels, gods and goddesses.

(3) Healing Powers of the Violet Agni: Violet Agni, also called violet lame or violet ire is a powerful spiritual energy. It can be used with any religion without having to change your beliefs. Violet agni has been used by great avatars of East and West.
It works by changing and dissolving painful memories and negative karma through mercy and forgiveness which brings us freedom. When we repeat violet flame mantras, the violet lame permeates every cell of our bodies, our minds and emotions for purification and giving a feeling of joy. Here is a simple violet flame mantra you can repeat every day when you are spending quiet time with God or as you are going about your work. Any amount will help.

I AM a being of Violet Fire!
I AM the purity God Desires