The Chart of Your individualized Real (Divine) Self illustrates your vast spiritual potential. It is a portrait of you and the God within you.
Hindus – The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self

The upper figure, known as the “I AM Presence” or “I AM Brahman” represents the Ultimate Reality (the Spirit of God, Brahman or Paramatman) individualized for each of us. The ancient Hindu scriptures have also called this Presence as “TAT TVAM ASI” or “AHAM BRAHMASMI.” The “I AM Presence” is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that make up your causal body. These spheres contain the record of the good works (good karma) that you have performed throughout all your incarnations.
The Middle Figure

The middle figure represents your inner guru, (Higher Self or Atman) and voice of conscience. In this illustration, the Higher Self is depicted to be like Vishnu, the masterful one, for each of us has the potential to embody here and now the “Vishnu or Krishna Consciousness” and the attributes of our inner teacher. The shaft of white light descending from the heart of the upper figure to the lower figure is the crystal cord, which ties you to Spirit and nourishes your divine spark. The Katha Upanishad speaks of the divine spark as the “Light of the Spirit” that is connected in the “secret high place of the heart.”
The Lower Figure

The lower figure represents you (Jiva) on the spiritual path, surrounded by the protective white light of God (purity) and the violet flame, the high-frequency spiritual energy that dissolves negative karma, transforming it into positive and loving energy. The purpose of your soul’s evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, become one with your Higher Self (Atman) and fulfill
Buddhists – The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self

The upper figure, or “I AM Presence,” represents the “Dharmakaya,” the timeless, permanent body of the Buddha. The I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual light, which some Buddhists know as the rainbow body. These spheres contain all the merit accrued over lifetimes of compassionate acts and right actions.
The middle body is your Higher Self, or Inner Buddha—your inner guru, voice of conscience and dearest friend. In this illustration, the Higher Self is depicted as the Inner Buddha abiding in the Body of Bliss, the “Sambhogakaya.” The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord, or vajra bridge, which ties you to the heart of the Almighty, to the heart of Buddha, and nourishes the seed of enlightenment within your heart.
The lower figure depicts you as a spiritual disciple, surrounded by the protective white light and the violet fire, a high-frequency spiritual energy that transforms the suffering of samsara into positive and loving energy. This figure correlates with the “Nirmanakaya,” the Buddha’s Body of Transformation.
Some Buddhists believe that devotees successively “put on” the three bodies of the Buddha and may experience all three simultaneously. This process corresponds to your integration with your Divine Reality and your final ascent to your God.
Sikhs – The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self

The upper figure, known as the “I AM Presence,” represents the Ultimate Truth (Reality)–the Spirit of God, Waheguru, or Paramatman–individualized for each of us. The “I AM Presence” is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy, which contain the record of the good works we have performed throughout all our incarnations.
The Middle Figure

The middle figure represents your Higher Self-our inner guru, dearest friend and voice of conscience. The middle figure acts as a mediator between God and the soul. In this illustration, the Higher Self is depicted to be like Guru Nanak, the Sadguru, for each of us has the potential to embody here and now the essential attributes of our divine friend.
The shaft of white light descending from the heart of the upper figure to the lower figure is the crystal cord, which ties us to Spirit and nourishes the divine spark within. The divine spark abides in what the Sri Guru Granth Sahib speaks of as “sach khand,” the secret chamber of the heart.
The Lower Figure

The lower figure represents you on the spiritual path, surrounded by the protective white light of God and the purifying violet flame, the high-frequency spiritual energy that transforms negative karma into positive and loving energy. The purpose of your soul’s evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, become one with your Higher Self and fulfill your unique divine plan (dharma) so that you can attain moksha, your ultimate liberation through union with God in the Eternal Now.
Zoroastrians – The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self
The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self is a portrait of you and the God within you. It is a diagram of yourself and your potential to become who you really are. It is an outline of your spiritual anatomy.

The upper figure, known as the “I AM Presence,” represents the Ultimate Reality (the Spirit of God, Ahura Mazda, or the Wise Lord) individualized for each of us. The “I AM Presence” is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy, which contain the record of the good works that you have performed throughout all your incarnations.
The Middle Figure

The middle figure represents your Higher Self—your dearest friend, inner teacher and voice of conscience. The middle figure acts as a mediator between God and the evolving soul below. In this illustration, your Higher Self is depicted to be like beloved Zarathustra, the messenger of God, for each of us has the potential to be the messenger of our Divine Self and to embody the attributes of the Amesha Spentas (Holy Immortals), who reflect different aspects of the divine nature of Ahura Mazda.
The shaft of white light descending from the heart of the upper figure to the lower figure is the crystal cord, which ties you to Spirit and nourishes the divine spark within.
The Lower Figure

The lower figure represents you on the spiritual path, surrounded by the protective white light of God and the purifying violet flame, the high-frequency spiritual energy that transforms negative records of life into positive and loving energy. The purpose of your soul’s evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your debts to life, become one with your Higher Self and fulfill your unique divine plan so that you can attain your ultimate liberation through union with God.
Christians – The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self
The Chart of Your Real (Divine) Self is a portrait of you and the God within you. It is a diagram of yourself and your potential to become who you really are. It is an outline of your spiritual anatomy.

The upper figure, known as the “I AM Presence,” the Presence of God that is individualized in each one of us. It is your personalized “I AM THAT I AM.” Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that make up what is called your “causal body.” These spheres of pulsating energy contain the record of the good works you have performed since your first incarnation on earth. They are like your cosmic bank account.
The Middle Figure

The middle figure in the Chart represents the “Holy Christ Self,” who is also called the Higher Self or the Higher Mental Body. You can think of your Holy Christ Self as your chief guardian angel and dearest friend, your inner teacher and voice of conscience. What the Chart shows is that each of us has a Higher Self, or “Inner Christ,” and that each of us is destined to become one with that Higher Self – whether we call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman. This “Inner Christ” is what the Christian mystics sometimes refer to as the “inner man of the heart.”
The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord (sometimes called the silver cord). It is the “umbilical cord”, the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit. Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of God that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart. It is called the threefold flame, or divine spark, because it is literally a spark of sacred fire that God has transmitted from his heart to yours. This flame is called “threefold” because it engenders the primary attributes of Spirit – power, wisdom and love.
The Lower Figure

The lower figure in the Chart of Your Divine Self represents you, the soul on the spiritual path, surrounded by the violet flame and the protective white light of God known as the tube of light. The soul is the living potential of God — the part of you that is mortal but that can become immortal. The purpose of your soul’s evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, fulfill your mission on earth so that you return to the spiritual dimensions that are your real home. The high-frequency energy of the violet flame can help you reach that goal more quickly.
For further information on the above mentioned charts of Your Divine Self, please visit: